Meeting Students Where They Are: Two-Year Colleges & Equitable Opportunities in STEM
As part of STEMconnector’s commitment to increasing STEM awareness and building a diverse, robust STEM talent workforce, we are excited to announce the release of a new paper entitled “Meeting Students Where They Are: Two-Year Colleges and Equitable Opportunities in STEM, featuring McGraw Hill’s ALEKS.”
Despite meaningful and sustained efforts, the STEM talent crisis remains, with insufficient STEM talent available to meet the demand. Meeting Students Where They Are explores how two-year colleges can use flexible, adaptive technologies to support students from historically underrepresented backgrounds in their STEM education and prepare them for STEM careers and/or more advanced STEM learning. McGraw Hill's Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces (ALEKS) is a valuable tool for educators to meet their students where they are in their learning journeys and help them be successful in collegiate STEM courses.
Sponsored by our partners at McGraw Hill Higher Education, this paper offers valuable insights from educators, administrators and employers regarding the position of two-year colleges in the STEM ecosystem, the opportunities that two-year colleges create for students from historically underrepresented backgrounds to obtain STEM degrees and pursue STEM careers, and the ways in which ALEKS meaningfully advances this important work.